I was inspired by one of my sorority sisters, who also blogs over at Our Family of Three, to create a list of goals to accomplish by a certain time. Because I have a weird thing about numbers I decided to go with an even, "milestone" number, and made a list of things I'd like to accomplish by the time I'm 30. Below is that list. As I work towards, and accomplish, these goals I'll link to posts about that goal. If you want to know more about a goal that I've started working on, simply click on the link to the most recent post about it. Hopefully, my milestones will inspire you to set and meet your own goals!
Start a blogI really love crossing things off lists I've created!- Go on/plan a trip to Europe (that’ll be taken before the end of my 30th year, ex: 5yr anniversary trip for June/July 2015)
- Get back to goal weight range (135-140) and maintain
- Completely finish a lap size quilt or bigger
- Submit something to the State Fair for judging
- Landscape front and back yards
- “Decorate” front and back decks/patios
- Complete CPA Pre-requisites and get accepted to CPA/Masters program
- Get all debts, besides Student Loans and House, paid off
- Re-do basement living room and bathroom
- Organize craft closet
- Have a baby (or two)
- Organize garage
- Paint exterior of house or replace siding
- Develop a regular cleaning routine and maintain
- Develop a meal planning routine and maintain
- Organize the kitchen
- Create a seasonal decorating rotation with home accessories and plants for both interior and exterior
- Read at least 12 books
- Increase my income by 14%
- Be more “crafty”
- Run (not walk or run/walk) the Derby miniMarathon
- Send a letter/card to someone once a month
- Create a recipe binder
- Go to NYC during the holiday season
- Develop a better budgeting system and maintain
- Fill all my empty/old frames
- Re-do the family room
- Go camping
- Do the “My Old Kentucky Home” Bike tour
I LOVE IT! And I'm glad I inspired someone to do something =)